Professional – loving – together
In keeping with this motto we create space for children. For especially in the first years of their life the playful experience and discovery of the world in a group of peers is of particular importance for little people.
At our crèche children can unfold their own personality in a warm, loving environment. All the while, we lend a sensitive ear to each child's needs and always provide him or her with the affection or support he or she may need at the time. In this way, our children develop, step by step, to be confident, open-minded and responsible individuals.
Promotion of holistic activities

Children are born curious and creative. The promotion of a wide range of activities for holistic development is based on the BayKiBIG and is therefore an essential part of our concept. We gently encourage our little ones to develop their own ideas through play.
In this way not only do they get to know the world in a playful manner, but they also learn to communicate with others and express themselves in their unique way. And it's great fun too!
Children learn from one another, they interact at a different level with each other than with adults.
We want to create space for the children left in our trusting care so that they can develop as freely and independently as possible while being integrated in a structured, loving and social environment.
The educators are not only extremely competent professionally, but also a human enrichment in the education of the little ones. In the two years that our son has attended the facility, there has not been a single day when the staff has seemed stressed or overwhelmed.
The responsible parties of Kukita
The responsible party of Kukita Kinderkrippen and -garten is Fr. Heike Speitmann. The responsible parties of the individual facilities of Kukita are: Kukita Allach GmbH & Co KG, Kukita Großhadern GmbH & Co KG, Kukita Milbertshofen GmbH & Co KG, Kukita Neuhausen GmbH & Co KG, Kukita Pasing GmbH & Co KG und die Kukita Schwabing GmbH & Co KG.